WeatherTech DigitalFit Cargo Liner for 2022-2024 Grand Cherokee WL 2-Row
Whether you're dealing with bad weather on your daily drive or the extra mess from your favorite weekend activity, dirt is always your enemy. Your luggage, outdoor gear and equipment are bound to encounter gunk and grime, which then finds its way to your Jeep's interior. Water makes it doubly damaging to the carpets and upholstery.
Keep the cargo area grand in your two-row Grand Cherokee WL with floor mats from WeatherTech. This set of WeatherTech DigitalFit Cargo Liners is made from premium materials and channeling to keep moisture from wicking inside your upholstery. They're equipped with high side walls so any mud, slush, water, spills or other mess won't find a place to work its way into the upholstery of your Grand Cherokee WL. A WeatherTech Jeep JL Cargo Mat also provides impact protection in case of accidental drops or gear shuffling around.
DigitalFit mats are designed using laser measurement technology for a precise fit that protects snugly without slipping or bulky edges that take up space. All you have to do is drop the cargo liner into place - no adhesives or trimming are necessary. The liner is easy to remove for cleaning, meaning it will protect your Jeep for years.
Just for Jeeps has DigitalFit Jeep WL 4-Door Cargo Liners for the carpeted or plastic passenger side wheel well factory option. You will need to physically inspect your Jeep's cargo area to determine which version your Jeep will need. See the third photo in our photo gallery above for reference. If you have any other questions or concerns, email
WeatherTech Grand Cherokee WL Cargo Mat Options:
- Carpeted Passenger Side Wheel Well option - Item #401530
- Plastic Passenger Side Wheel Well option - Item #401517
***NOTE: Will not fit the 2022 WK2 Grand Cherokee models or the 2022-2024 2-row Grand Cherokee L models.***